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After a Year on Hold, Amy Scott Collaborates with Smart in the Kitchen

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Lots of planning and adjustment along the way finally enabled photographer Amy Scott to move forward with this lifestyle and food shoot in which she collaborates with Marcia Smart of Smart In The Kitchen. The production evokes the type of  spring and summer farm-to-table meals with friends and family to which we can’t wait to return.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Amy gives a full rundown of all the steps taken to ensure the safety of everyone involved and gives a shout-out to what she calls her “dream team” members who helped make it all happen at Base Camp Setup.

  1. All stations were set up outside: hair and makeup, wardrobe, props, and food styling. This ensured maximum ventilation and safety, particularly for our hair and makeup artist.

Crafty and Meals

  1. Crafty and beverages were provided to each team member in an individual, labeled bag, which they brought back to their station.

  2. Lunch was ordered beforehand using a group ordering system so that no orders were taken the day of. Lunch orders were labeled and kept separate for team members to take and eat outdoors separated from one another.

Set Management

  1. All team members took their temperatures the morning of the shoot to ensure they did not have a fever.

  2. Oximeter readings were taken on location before the day began, as an additional precaution

  3. All team members filled out a health questionnaire that described any potential risks or symptoms they or those in their pod may have had at the time.

  4. All team members, aside from the model, wore masks at all times, unless they were eating or drinking at their stations away from others. Many team members choose to wear two masks, as the information had just come out that wearing two masks could increase effectiveness of the masks. N-95 masks were on set and available to anyone who wanted or needed a more effective mask.

  5. Flow of props and risks were considered and analyzed.  The food stylist was instructed to wipe down dishes with wipes before leaving on set, where the model may be interacting with the dishware, to reduce risks.

  6. Location was selected in part because of how spacious it was indoors and ability to have doors open for ventilation. Team members were told to go outside and distance unless they were needed on set to keep those on set at any given time to a minimum.

  7. The photographer had a safety meeting at the beginning of the day to clarify expectations and safety protocol to be used throughout the day and introduced a one-warning rule. One warning only would be given to anyone who was not following the protocol; after that, they would be asked to leave immediately.

    Marcia Smart: Model

    Travis Schiebel: Digitech

    Michael Klein: Photo Assistant

    Summar Salah: Wardrobe

    Victoria Callaway: Hair and Makeup

    Tina Bell Stamos: Food Stylist

    Prop Stylist: Stephanie Marett