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Alice Blue and Jim Hughes Roll Up Their Sleeves

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“Armward to Victory.” “A Call to Arms.” “Roll Up Your Sleeve.” These are headlines for a new PSA series that will begin soon broadly across all media platforms, enlisting all Americans with the tagline, “Don’t Wait.  Vaccinate.”  The campaign looks to the past when Americans’ shared sense of duty was harnessed, whether it was to defeat Nazis or forest fires. The overall look and feel of these posters are remincent of characters like Rosie the Riveter, who told us, “We Can Do It!”

Photographer Jim Hughes and CGI team at Alice Blue  contributed their expertise to the campaign.  AdTechCares and Veteran’s Coalition for Vaccination  worked closely with the agency Venables, Bell + Partners to develop the creative for this integrated campaign. Integrated media for this effort was donated by the Ad Council.