Italian illustrator Anna Godeassi brings a visual sophistication to her work for many of the world’s most prominent publishers such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, La Repubblica, and Ilsole24ore. She also created advertising imagery for Deloitte Insight, Wetransfer, by Melinda Gates, Roche Pharmaceuticals, and The McDonald’s Foundation. Here’s just some of what she’s been working on lately.
Image above: Women writers: Pelerin Magazine
Traveling to Hawaii and my relationship with PTSD
The New York Times
Decision making
WeightWatchers UK
How important is it for employers to invest in the trainings of their employees?
Johns Hopkins leaders coordinate with the Baltimore school system disadvantaged communities; particularly African American and Latinx people.
John Hopkins Bloomberg School
Relationship between hearing difficulty and dementia
Cerebrum magazine
Southern Hemisphere wine values
Wine Spectator
Nexus Family Healing
Spray therapy to treat patients with acute thermal second and third-degree burns.
Temple Health