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Best of 2018: Producer Connie Conway

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Connie Conway worked with director/photographer Christian Peacock to convey both the struggle and the support that cancer patients encounter every day.

Production Notes:

Patient Empowerment Shoot: Video with still supplement, two shoot days.
Location: Baltimore, MD, Three locations, two homes, & park.
Weather: Sunny 91°/ 74°
Talent: Hero Talent – cancer patient/survivor & four of her closest friends.
Biggest Challenge: Managing talent time, she was limited to a total of 10 hours onset over the course of two days.

All Crew: Local hire, except for photographer, DP & producer.
Hazy, Hot & Humid couple of days: Let’s make sure to have plenty of water, ice & pop-up tents.
FUN: Wrap party: enjoying the Orioles play at Camden Yards. Director/Photographer: Christian Peacock