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Best of Illustration: Debut Art on Instagram

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Some of Debut Artists favorite 2019 projects were heavy on CGI and fantasy/sci fi.  Chris Labrooy created this sleek modern image for the new Porsche Taycan display at the LA Auto Show, but on his own time he creates the playful, inventive, animated fantasy cars you also see here. Justin Metz used his skills in CGI and photo-manipulation to create this beautiful head of a dragon for a special edition of Entertainment Weekly. Max Löeffler was commissioned by National Geographic to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Image above: Chris Labrooy


Chris Labrooy LA Auto Show/Porsche Traycan.
Chris Labrooy
Chris Labrooy  
Max Löeffler was commissioned by National Geographic to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. The illustration references Buzz Aldrin’s use of a pen to push the circuit breaker to restart the engine to reach the command module.  
Justin Metz A cover for a special  "Game of Thrones" issue of  Entertainment Weekly released  before the start of the final season.