Callie Lipkin Shows Us How She Channels Her Creative Energy

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Even if Callie Lipkin doesn’t get the job, that doesn’t stop her from putting her own spin on a treatment and shooting the assignment anyway. After submitting two treatments for jobs shooting portraits of essential workers, she took the client’s concept a step further by shooting not just portraits of real workers on the frontline of the pandemic, but with whom they are quarantined and how they interact with those closest to them. In order to realize her conceptshe enlisted the help of Trigger Casting to find all her subjects, and one of her digital techs, Josh Marrah, set up remote viewing and helped Callie record the whole process. He also helped her set up at the studio for a couple of socially-distanced hours during the pre-light, and then he and Callie’s producer, Trevor Power, were able to test drive the remote setup, which ensured everyone’s safety during the shoot, a perfect promo to calm clients nervous about shooting remotely.  

The importance of shooting self-assignments can never be overstated; they are the demonstration of what could be. We will not be surprised to hear Callie is shooting portraits of essential healthcare workers, or other assignments involving portraits, in the not too distant future.