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Hillary Maybery At The Backyard Bash

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Photographer Hillary Maybery recently spent an afternoon at what in Idaho is called a Backyard Bash. The cowboys you see here are some of the best saddle bronc riders in the country.  The skill on display and the manner in which Hillary captures it all is absolutely stunning.  It’s as if for a fleeting eight seconds, horse and rider are performing a dance where one leads and the other must follow.

And according to Hillary, Here is a side note (because some people don’t agree with the sport)  “….Bucking horses is not cruel in any way, these horses compete only 8 seconds and then usually have a week to a month off till the next rodeo. Owners of these horses don’t EVER want their work load to create an exhausted horse who isn’t having any fun. These horses have outstanding care and they are bred and born to buck, they love it!”