Illustrator Wes Rowell Takes On a Goat Rope

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Goat Rope Noun  (slang): A confusing, disorganized  situation, often attributed to or marked by human error; a convoluted issue that is contested by many parties.

The summer of 2020 was a Goat Rope for illustrator Wes Rowell.  As he chronicles in The Origin and The Interim, he was not particularly politically minded and paid little attention to national politics. But that began to change with a series of events he chronicles in The Catalyst  beginning with the death of  John McCain in 2018. You’ll learn what develops next as you read the remaining five “chapters” of this Goat Rope: The Idea, The Evolution, The Project/The Inspiration, & The Promise and The Conclusion and how he puts his creativity to work to try and make sense of all that was happening, as Wes says, “Observation and contemplation had been replaced by cognition and execution.”




Given the reality of Covid 19 and its political fallout…