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James Nelson: Inspired by Nature

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James Nelson has been busy creating imagery for self-promotion that  displays the sophisticated line and proportion inherent in his fashion illustration work. In the image above, which will appear among the work of other artists represented by Those Three Reps of Dallas, he takes a cue from nature, employing colors inspired by exotic flora and fauna and adding other touches like  dramatic cat eye liner, long lashes, thicker eyebrows, and jewel-toned lipstick.  He told us, “[he] hopes to appeal to high-end clients like Neiman Marcus, Nordstom, Sephora, and other fashion/beauty clients such as Mac cosmetics, Estee Lauder, Revlon, or even the fragrance industries.”

He also produced his own eight-page “magazine” with images created around the theme, “The Art of Giving,” which includes more of his signature fashion imagery aimed at high-end fashion retailers and  several other creatives in top US agencies.