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Jason Lindsey Goes Mussel Grubbing

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Mussel grubbing is a treasure hunt. When is it done by citizen scientists in the upper Sangamon River in central Illinois, it is a vital service to the environment.  In his latest film, Mussel Grubbing:  A Citizen Science Treasure Hunt, Jason Lindsey talks to volunteers and scientists and follows along as they unearth their treasures and gather their data.  Finding a diverse collection of healthy mussels means a healthy river, and a healthy river ensures healthy people.

Mussel Grubbing:  A Citizen Science Treasure Hunt won best documentary at the World Water Film Festival. It is also only one of two films in the festival that opened the United Nations 2023 World Water Conference. The festival took place in New York City on Sunday, March 19th and Jason was in  attendance.

Represented by Heather Elder Represents