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Justin Walker Explores the Culture and Flavors of Mexico

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In this latest project, Mexican Ice Cream: Beloved Recipes and Stories by Fany GersonJustin Walker and  Kaitlyn Du Ross Walker capture the  unique and diverse flavors of Mexican ice cream and style them as they might be served in one of the authentic Mexican heladerias, or ice cream parlors, the author has frequented over the years. Justin and Kaitlyn have worked together for a long time and were excited to tell not only the “how-to” of Mexican ice cream but also tell the bigger cultural story as well. As Justin says, “It’s great when Kaitlyn and I have the opportunity to work together. I always feel like the client gets so much more out of a project when we collaborate. We have been working together for a long time and have become really good at collaborating and spend a lot of time researching and concepting for each project that we work on together.”