Featured image: Alexander Wells, Disney+, Take a trip into space with Alexander Wells’ latest poster for Disney+ advertising the dynamic new show Skeleton Crew. Taking a closer look at the foliage may reveal some secrets about what the show contains! Visit Alexander’s Workbook portfolio
Rui Ricardo, The Robb Report UK. For their UK Car of the year cover, The Robb Report commissioned Rui Ricardo to create a luxurious illustration of the line up for car of the year, with the iconic Silverstone track as the backdrop. Rui captures a gorgeous autumnal sunset that compliments the cars and captures the eyes of readers. Visit Rui’s Workbook portfolio
Jason Brooks’ latest collaboration with Beymen showcases Jason’s sophisticated illustrative style animated alongside Beymen’s exclusive designer products to match their “Life Is A Cabaret” campaign, encouraging customers to indulge in their dream items and dazzle with a new wardrobe for the New Year! Visit Jason’s Workbook portfolioCarolyn Jenkins returns with sizzling new illustrations for Monica Luciani’s recipe filled book Les Legumes, (published by Éditions de La Table Ronde) utilizing fresh vegetables in a variety of tasty and delicious recipes that are quick and easy to fit into your meal rotation. Visit Carolyn’s Workbook portfolioSarah Maxwell’s book cover for ‘All’s Fair in Love and Field Hockey’/ Publisher: Penguin Random House Visit Sarah’s Workbook portfolio