Loris Lora’s Google Doodle

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Today’s Google Doodle marks the first day of National Hispanic Heritage Month. Created by illustrator Loris Lora, the illustration honors Dr. Ildaura Murillo-Rohde, founder of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses. Keep scrolling to see more of Loris’ work for a diverse group of clients including The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal and many other online editorial platforms. Loris is represented by heflinreps:.

Los Angeles Times "Turns Out He's a Psycho Texter."  
The Los Angeles Times "Friendly Skies or Germapalooza"  
AARP "When Virtual Hugs Aren't Enough"  
The Los Angeles Times "Hunting for Great Airfare"  
Flying Eye Books Children's book 'Safe and Sound'  
Rotarian Magazine "The Far Away Brothers"
Portland Monthly Outside The Frame