Lupine Hammack Puts His Stills in Motion

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Photographer Lupin Hammock loves a challenge. So when Brian from SLATE, a SF-based design studio explained what he was looking for, Lupine was all in.

The concept was a re-brand for a company at the forefront of veterinarian medical technology. It would involve shooting slo-mo footage of a dog that Brian could then have a VFX team lay CGI over to show the physiological systems treated by the brand. For Lupine, this meant lighting this beautiful animal as a still-life and then capturing slow, graceful moving portraits that would highlight its beauty and soul in an authentic way.

When asked what he hoped people would learn about him and his work, Lupin had this to say, “I hope that the motion this partnership created reinforces the idea that complex ideas, products, and technologies can be presented in really clean, artistic, and bespoke ways. Lighting a beautiful silvery Weimaraner and allowing her to move and show her natural beauty spoke to the magnitude of the technologies offered by this tech brand in a really relatable way. I loved having the opportunity to say a lot by showing little. Pretty cool.”