Artist: Mark Braught

Mark Braught’s Most Recent Award Winning Imagery

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Mark Braught created this series for a small local craft brewer called Strange Duck Brewery that promotes the unique aspects of their products in print, online and in-store promotion. Along the way, the series has earned multiple awards from the Society of Illustrators, Graphis Design Awards, Illustration West, Communication Arts and American Illustration.

Graphic Design Awards 2023, Illustration Gold
Communication Arts 2022 Illustration Annual

Graphic Design Awards 2024, Illustration, Gold American Illustration 43 Illustration West 60, Bronze  
Society of Illustrators 64, Merit Graphic Design Awards 2023, Illustration, Gold Communication Arts 2022 Illustration Annual American Illustration 42 Illustration West 60, Merit
Illustration West 60, Gold Graphis Design Awards 2023, Illustration, Gold Communication Arts 2022 Illustration Annual
This was a self promotion piece to explore different subject matter utilizing much of what influenced the creation of the images for Stange Duck Brewery. Choosing JK Rowling was an homage to the opportunity over twenty years ago to create images for Warner Bros. and the merchanding of their film Harry Potter & the Philospher’s Stone.
Graphis Design Awards 2023 Silver