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Martin French Creates a Visual Message of Hope and Resilience

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Artist Martin French was commissioned to design and install a 26 ft. x 12 ft. mural for the courtyard entrance to the newly remodeled 220 Building in the Old Town neighborhood of Portland, Oregon. In addition he also created a series of original images that were installed in the lobby of the building, which act as a strong visual connection between the exterior and interior space. 

The title of the mural is simply, Flora & Fauna. The design is a grid of shapes, marks, and patterns that  mixes representational and abstract elements. The bird in flight, a Varied Thrush, is the focal point, symbolic of longevity and faithfulness for the indigenous people who once inhabited the Portland Basin. The series he created for the lobby of the building is based upon what he describes as a “graphic whirlwind,” imagery that represents a microcosm of the interrelationships on which a healthy community thrives. Equally important is the X mark, representing the underserved or forgotten individuals in the community.

These themes seem essential for a city struggling for justice, evidenced by the months of protests during 2020. In closing, Martin told us, “I found myself thankful to be making art in the middle of the storm and to leave a visual message of hope and resilience to the city as we continue to walk through these challenging times.”