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More of the Best of 2021

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For Hardy Wilson it didn’t get any better than getting paid to hang out at Olema Wines in Napa and coming away with some of the most beautiful images he shot all year.


Mauricio Candela's Pepsi campaign was his best of the year because, as he says, "I love the way the client let me shoot the campaign; it was more real, less staged, and a good balance between perfect and imperfection, like real life is."
Hollis Bennett's best of 2021 was shot partially as a personal project but also as spec work for a new client.  The trick worked and landed a dream client. He just can't say who yet.
As we all began emerging from quarantine, Jazzmine Beaulieu found herself immersed in personal work as she teamed up with a small group of friends to create a series that imagines what it would be like to be alone in a motel during the early months of the pandemic.
Last year was full of surprises for Art Streiber including this shoot with Selma Blair. He told us, "I didn’t expect Selma to be so incredibly agile and performative on set. . .it was a challenge to keep up with her energy."
 Scott Van Osdol is a firm believer in the idea that when you "Give it away, it comes back."
The American Quarter Horse Journal magazine ran a feature on the Kokernot 06 Ranch in the mountains of West Texas, in which they used several images he shot for a personal project called “Every Other Day” that raised more than $80,000 for a cowboy living with end-stage renal disease. They also licensed the “Camping with Cowboys,” image for their new media kit. Give it away, it comes back.
During Rose Kaz's time as an artist in residence  on the old grounds of Black Mountain College she discovered that there were no photographs of the "Happenings" for which the college was famous.  So, she and her crew decided to create a "Re-Happening."
Everything from the beautiful natural light, the talent and styling, and the story came together perfectly for Cate Brown and her crew on this shoot for  for the Hinckley.  
Heath Robbins' shoot for Caskata beautifully illustrates his skill as a product photographer. It features Marrakech patterned lead-free crystal and draws inspiration from the bold graphic patterns found throughout Morocco.