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Natalia Weedy Expresses the Healing Power of Nature for Marriott

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Natalia Weedy’s new work for Marriott is just what the doctor ordered. She  created still and moving imagery that is both beautifully meditative and helps to convey the experience one would hope to have at Fairfield Marriott, a 4,200 acre resort tucked into the rolling hills of western Virginia. All images are tinted a soothing shade of blue, the corporate color and the cinemagraphs are as calming as any meditation app you might find on your phone.

Natalia and her crew were free to roam the property, four-wheeling it over hills and through rivers, pursuing nature wherever it led them, in search of just the right elements. The result is beautifully cohesive and directly expressive of Natalia’s own experience, and hopefully that of future visitors.

To see more imagery and cinemagraphs check out her full blog post here.