Client: Boston Globe

New Work from Ken Orvidas

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Ken Orvidas Hopeful

Ken Orvidas has been working on a nice mix of editorial assignments for CFO magazine and the Boston Globe, balanced with some great new personal projects. All of these images speak to the power of an illustrated image to convey concepts that are not easy to express any other way. His take on what it means to be “Hopeful” (image above) captures the idea that what we hope for does not alway align with reality. Ken gives a look at what it might feel like to be  afflicted with “Agoraphobia” in the image below.

Ken Orvidas Agorophobia

In an article for the Boston Globe Ken illustrates (below) for an article called “What’s Ahead for Car Sharing” that delves into the how and why of oping for a“greener,” less-expensive alternative of driving a shared car. For CFO magazine (bottom), Ken gives us a look at  the enthusiasm behind crowd-sourcing movement.

Ken Orvidas Ride Sharing

Crowd Sourcing Ken Orvidas