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Noel Hendrickson Studies Human Endurance

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As part of an extensive project on health and aging, photographer Noel Hendrickson investigates what people around him are doing to boost their physical and mental health as they move through life. One of the more extreme stories he has come across is that of @kevinvallely IG.

Mr. Vallely intends to attempt an unsupported Arctic traverse in winter during the polar night, which means he will contend with 23 hours of darkness, a daily high temperature of -40C, and polar bears and wolves on the prowl. During his last four months of training, Mr. Vallely has embraced “the suck” by  pulling truck tires to simulate the 250-pound sled filled with supplies that he will be pulling during his adventure. If all goes well, it will take approximately fifty days to complete.  As an added element to his training, he was able to take advantage of the Atmospheric-River phenomenon that came through North Vancouver, BC in January, where these shots were taken.