
Pat Molnar Honors Our Service Men and Women

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Pat Molnar has worked for many branches of the military covering the vital work our service men and women perform every day. In addition to his work with the Air Force, projects included work for the Army, the Marine Corps, Homeland Security, and Customs and Border Protection.
This work is not your ordinary advertising shoot, although the images are used for recruiting purposes and appear in print, on billboards, and on social media.  Typically, Pat’s subjects are the real thing: active duty service members who generally are very young and who did not know until five minutes before that they would  be featured in a campaign. Sometimes, Pat is inserted into a training exercise; other times, he is told to follow along with a group of Marines or Green Berets.
When we asked him if there was anything he learned from his experiences Pat told us, “It’s absolutely humbling. I don’t think most people can grasp the responsibility that comes with the jobs these people do. It’s not really something you can sum up in a few sentences.” It is why we are featuring them in honor of Memorial Day.


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