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Photography Latest Additions

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Check out these latest photographers to join Workbook.

Hardy Wilson     is a photographer based in San Francisco. With a background in photojournalism, he seeks to authentically tell the story of a brand or his subjects. Hardy has both a studio to work out of in San Francisco and a ranch in Napa Valley that is available for producing-in-place. Besides photographing a wide-range of subject matter, he can be found hiking for inspiration and feeding his friends large meals.
You could say that Michael Kunde is based in Salt Lake City, Utah, but that wouldn’t really be accurate. He grew up there and that’s where his house is, but when his friends speak of him, someone inevitably asks, “So how long is Michael in town for this time?” Chances are its just long enough for him to do laundry before his next photoshoot, which might consist of trying not to drown or get eaten by sharks while bobbing in the waters around Catalina Island. Or, if it’s winter and he’s in town for a whopping 10 days, you can guarantee that he’ll acquire one of those deep-powder-frozen-snow-beards 10 days in a row before he heads to Bangkok just to revisit his favorite street food stall. Michael just won’t sit still. He can’t. He has to meet all the people even if he doesn’t speak their language, try all the foods—be it fried mystery meat or a Michelin meal—and capture the all  beauty of the world around him, whether on a massive commercial shoot or by himself with an entire pallet of Instax film. If you meet Michael once you’re friends for life—you’ll recognize him by his unbridled enthusiasm and lust for the unknown, with a tiki drink in one hand and a camera in the other.
Matt Odom
Joe Quint is a documentary filmmaker and photographer from Brooklyn, NY. Widely exhibited, Joe’s work consists largely of telling well-intentioned and respectful stories about people on journeys - people who either are experiencing great challenges or who have overcome such challenges. His most recent film project, "Hello Sunshine”, profiles a woman who has survived decades of gun violence and domestic violence trauma and has channeled these traumas into service - saving the lives of those in active opioid addiction and supporting the families of murder victims. In addition, Joe has an on-going project about the impact of gun violence on a diverse group of Americans. Young, old, rich, poor, in big cities and in rural communities - “It Takes Us” shows how gun violence cuts through the heart of the country. “It Takes Us” has been published globally and presented at colleges, universities, medical centers, and more. Select Press and Exhibitions include: NBC News PBS Newshour The Guardian PEOPLE Magazine INStyle Magazine The Huffington Post Speaking Engagements and Panel Discussions include: Penn State University John Jay College of Criminal Justice The University of Iowa The Connecticut State Capitol Joe graduated from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. While largely a self-taught artist, Joe credits his liberal arts education for sparking a desire to better understand the human condition.
Rick Gomez has been shooting around the world for some of the world’s most prestigious companies, including Mercedes-Benz, Kodak, Visa, Fuji OPtics & Bikes, Crocs, Anheuser-Busch, Marriott Hotels, Tylenol, Colgate and Florida & Mexico Department of Tourism. Rick’s fluency in Spanish and Portuguese allows him to work with clients and talent in various languages. Rick has also directed television commercials in English and Spanish and his first short film was shown at the inaugural Miami Beach Film Festival. An avid surfer, cyclist and pilot, Rick has photographed the world’s greatest surfers in Fiji and cyclists at the Tour de France. His enthusiasm for an active lifestyle is evident in the energy he brings to his assignments.
François Chevalier studied photography in Brussels, Belgium. By the mid 1990's he had opened up his own studio, specializing in still life photography. As he honed his digital imaging skills, his photographs evolved beyond the still life realm and began to incorporate people and places. François is a visionary and problem solver. He approaches each image while imagining the story behind the visual. His personal notebook is complete with the stories and drawings that evolve into his photographs, often depicting Belgian humor with his surreal style. He lives in Brussels with Marjorie and their three children.