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Post-it Wars

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Post It War Havas Media
Post It Wars Canal Street
Work must have been a little slow last Friday afternoon proof being that a “Post It War” broke out between agencies on Canal Street in NYC, and more and more creatives jumped into the fray as the afternoon wore on. While the winner is still in dispute, we thought it worth mentioning that illustrator Tom Cocotos has used this technique for Havas and their client, Citibank. Citibank expressed the desire to create an experiential campaign to share on social media channels to promote its work with Network For Teaching Entrepeneurship, or NFTE, and Tom’s collage work was the perfect vehicle. Participants in three major cities, New York, Los Angeles, and Miami, were encouraged to share their dreams and goals by writing them on Post-it notes, which Tom then used to create three different collages.
Tom Cocotos at work
Tom Cocotos works on Citibank project