
Ryan Struck: The Ocean as Muse

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Surfing is so powerful an experience that even when surfing the coastal Northern United States in mid-winter, Ryan says, ” Weather doesn’t stand in the way of pursuing this water-borne endeavor. In the same spirit of tropical palms and acaii bowls, surfers of the Northeast are privy to beaches blanked in snow and 5 mil wetsuits. Cold water surfing isn’t worn like a badge of honor, it’s simply a way of life.”

Although Ryan has surfed in many much warmer locales, surfing in in the middle of a winter storm is a challenge he loves. Imagine being dressed appropriately to go outdoors in a blizzard and then removing all of that clothing in the street next to your car in order to change into a 5 mil wetsuit with a hood, 7 mil booties and gloves! But Ryan says, “The severe cold adds an extreme challenge to swimming among the waves, and with those risks comes great reward.”

Ryan captures the action in the gallery of images you see here, and to see more Snow Surfers check out his website. You can also read about his short film, Addicted to the Glide, chosen as an official selection at the 2017 San Diego Surf Film Festival.




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