Category: Animation

Salzman International Creative Update

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Check out Salzman International’s latest work for the New York Times, Die Zeit, La Repubblica, This American Life, the Washington Post, and more editorial sources from around the world.

Above: Joey Guidone   La Repubblica  DNA Treatment Medicine

Giulio Bonasera New Scientist 
Ivan Canu        This American Life "The Ferryman," stories about getting from point A to point B  with expert assistance.
Luisa Jung        The Lily/the Washington Post
Pay Transparency
Michael DiMilo Stampede
Mirko Cresta  Desert magazine Young Republicans are trying to pull their party into the future.
David Bonazzi October
Benedetto Cristofani Die Zeit            "The Next Chancellor: Him or Her?"
Juan Bernabeu  New York Times Scientists spot new viruses.
Jeff Hinchee  New York Times Business Millennials Vs. Gen Z at work.
Julis Kerschbaumer  The Pixel Show Jungle Eyes
Mark Smith  Folio Society Slipcase for A Bright Shining Lie by Neil Sheehan