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Saverio Truglia At The Palos Meltdown.

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As the popularity of the sport of mountain biking grows to encompass a more diverse group of riders, photographer/director Saverio Truglia finds that there is enough mud for everyone.  An avid cyclist himself, Saverio recently attended the Palos Meltdown where he saw women, children, and whole families all mixing it up together. Even people with disabilities were in on the action with tricked-out three and four wheel bikes with lots of the same high-end parts as their 2-wheel brethren: hydraulic disc brakes, tubeless tires, and full suspension.

Saverio says, “…for my money, the luckiest racers of them all were met at the finish line by their friends, loving partners, and admiring children, all happy to have them returned in one piece.”

Read more about this story at Saverio’s LinkedIn page.