In the early days of the AIDS crisis, all gay men were banned from donating blood. This policy is still in effect today despite advances in science and the fact that our supply is meticulously tested. As a result, blood banks are currently turning away over 615,000 pints of blood per year simply because the donors are gay. In an effort to shed light on this inequity, FCB Healthcare partnered with Jordan Eagles, artist and longtime blood equality advocate and creator of “Blood Mirror,” shown concurrently at Trinity Church in Manhattan, to create the PSA campaign, “Out for Blood” (#BloodEquality).
The resulting four ads, featured on Ads of the World, are stark black-and-white portraits of gay men by ETC photographer, Harold Julian, who speak out directly to the camera against the ban in the form of some very powerful headlines. It was a distinct honor for ETC to produce this pro bono project under the direction of its East Coast representative, Joe Lombardo. It was also gratifying for all involved pro bono that, as of early December 2015, the ban was partially lifted.