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Italian Illustrator Stefania Infante Shares Her Latest Projects

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Each of the these images represents Italian illustrator  Stefania Infante’s beautiful pointillistic style and her effective use of a limited color pallet. They also represent the range of topics she has successfully helped to interpret for editorial readers.

The Italian illustrator delves into the promise of eggs with out chickens, milk without cows, chicken without poultry, but Stefania’s illustration reminds us there are still many issues with lab-grown”food.” For MR PORTER Journal, she creates imagery that represents what it means to have a midlife crisis and how to turn it into an opportunity for learning. In the final of the three, for Le Monde, she adds visual description to a book review about the author’s autobiographical poems focused on her love and sexual failures.

How to Have A Good Mid-Life Crisis.  Mr. Porter Journal
Classés Sans Suite.  A review of a book of poetry by the author Sophie Martin for Le Monde.