
Sue Tallon Has an Alter Ego

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Sue Tallon is an-award winning photographer with a pretty awesome breadth of style. Take a look at her website, and you’ll see everything from “Icons on White,”  the “Bold and Graphic,” and more relaxed and “Natural” imagery she’s created for her food, pharma, beauty, and tech clients. And it’s all very  much reflective of what’s relevant in the marketplace today. But there are also other series to explore like “The Sea” and “Junkie” that open the door to other ways of seeing. Then there is MarsGarden, which she describes as “…an alter ego and a virtual playground for myself….a different room to inhabit, so to speak, a place that gives me the space to explore and share the other ways I make images.” Taken all together it’s an impressive body of work that balances the highest level of professional standards with an eye for what is next.