Cover and internal illustrations for God Save The Queen
Mark Smith Alta Journal Story about an unsolved Jane Doe case from the 1970s
Luisa Jung The Washington Post U.S.-China tech race
Daria Kirpach The Washington Post You're vaccinated.What are the ethics of traveling to places where locals aren't?
Mirko CrestaDeseret News Bear in mind. Bears are constantly exposed to humans and kept together in close proximity to each other. All of these factors can cause psychological and physical stress.
Jeff Hinchee Penguin Random House Cover art Donuts and Other Proclamations of Love
Juan Bernabeu The New Yorker
Goings On About Town "Bernstein in a Bubble," set to Leonard Bernstein’s “Divertimento,” from 1980, was created recently in a bubble residency in upstate New York, following strict Covid protocols. It’s like a blast of fresh air.
Over the past year, singer/songwriter Billie Eilish transformed from a flashy teen pop star into a glamorous young lady—while keeping her “I don't give a f...” attitude. Billie Eilish, who was unintentionally chosen as the leading figure of the body-positivity movement, sums up her attitude in her song “Not my Responsibility”—whether she covers up completely or sheds the layers, people will always comment 0n and judge her body.