Artist: Paul Rogers

The Best of 2020 from Heflinreps

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The illustrators with Sally Heflin won awards and worked for some big name clients and publishers this year.

Sally Heflin told us, “While editorial projects were down, tech companies (who isn’t a tech company these days) carried the day. Our artists are resilient, creative, and supportive of each other and the community. The quality of work on our website, online with Worbook, and on social media shows how wide ranging the projects were and how ready our artists are.”

Image above:  Paul Roger  Jazz at Lincoln Center CD pack of the Orchestra’s and Wayne Shorter’s music for Blue Engine Records

Paul Rogers Salesforce Anywhere Tent
Paul Rogers Dreamforce postcard and billboard
Paul Rogers James Beard portrait
Own Freeman   Ellery Queen
Owen Freeman   AARP
Owen Freeman  New York magazine
Jun Cen              The New York Times.              "The Brutality of The Meat Industry"
Jun Cen                Los Angeles TImes        "Tragedies"
June Cen             Self-Promotion Blackbird