The Best of Morgan Gaynin 2018

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Above: Carlo Stanga from his latest award winning book series I Am The City for Moleskin.

Morgan Gaynin represents some of the best know  illustrators working today. Here are some of their most interesting projects from 2018.

Carlo Stanga From his latest  book from his I Am The City collection, published by Moleskine is also an American Illustration 37 winner.
A. Richard Allen created images for   Lea Goes to School,  an animated story about a girl with Downs Syndrome.
Victo Ngai created these images for a graphic novel and short film as part of the campaign effort #bloodnormal, an effort to normalize girls' periods.  The main character inspires girls to not let their periods hold them back.
Victo Ngai
Victo Nagai
Carlo Giambarresi  Saruga Arts Festival Poster
Gaby D'Alessandro 2018 National Book Festival Poster
Raul Colon  Imagine! picture book about how to experience Art.
Raul Colon
Jonathan Barlett Cover art for The Darkest Legacy