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The Liz Sanders Group: Projects Update

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The Liz Sanders Agency was busy working on projects for clients and themselves. Amy Ning completed this dapper duo (above) for the documentary, Balboa Park: The Jewel of San Diego.

Judy Reed Silver employed her sophisticated collage style for a story about the trials of home renovation.

Steph Calvert has been working on her latest 4-book series published by Capstone. The art image here is for A Stegosaurus Would Not Make a Good Pirate, with crazy/silly story to read pirate-like to your favorite little one! AAHHRRRGG!

Jim Steck has been working on some new container designs for for all kinds of kid’s stuff. This art, and lots more, is available via the licensed art side of Jim’s portfolio. Check it out!

 Sudi McColum‘s latest imagery has been the result of exploring the detailed and decorative miniature paintings of Mughal style (South Asia) from the 16th-18th centuries.

With downtime between assignments, Randi Zafman illustrated the food world’s new obsession: the avocado. This image would be perfect for  packaging or cookbook illustrations.