Since our bowling event in mid-September, we have heard from a number of our clients and agency creatives expressing how grateful they were for the opportunity to reconnect, have some fun, and talk shop in a relaxing, casual environment. Among the thank yous, we also heard that a number of the attendees are working on bids as we speak and hopefully will be working on projects together soon.
Here’s some of what they said:
“About the party — I had the best time! The venue was great fun. In full disclosure, I did not bowl – but only because I was having too much fun catching up with dear friends I hadn’t seen in years. Thank you for bringing us all together. A great time was had by all.”
Lucy Raminga, VP, Senior Art Producer, Publicis North America
“Your bowling party could not have been a better night of fun and a place to breed improved business relations. Coincidentally, the art producer client I was working with that day bidding a few jobs, was there also. We had a good time chatting at the bar in a very friendly atmosphere. But the turning point in our relationship came when we got to the lane, and I threw a strike after expressing my concern about no bumpers. It caused a sensation that only happens in sports! I can’t thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to be myself out in a social-business situation (inner-athlete came out) and that’s very, very rare in the women’s world of business. I told a friend of mine about this, a successful attorney, who said this kind of thing happens all the time with men in business over golf, tennis, watching football, etc. So thank you and everyone at the Workbook who gave this woman (and all the women who came out) a chance to flex a little muscle, have a lot of fun, and ultimately win the work!! WooHoo!!!!”
Janice Moses, Artist Representative
“A big thanks to you (and Bill for picking up the tab) on last week’s bowling party. Not only was it a ton of fun, but it was effective in a sales capacity, too. A buyer I had not connected with in years saw me and was on the phone to me two days later with a request for portfolios! Thanks to you guys, we are on the short list for a bid which never would have happened otherwise. THANK YOU – that is Workbook working overtime for us and a much appreciated ‘value-added’ service.”
Ralph Mennemeyer, M. Represents
“The Workbook team outdid itself this time! What great fun in a perfectly casual atmosphere! Fabulous food, drinks, activity (wait, is bowling a sport?), and most importantly, PEOPLE. Our industry needs more of these feelgood events – will take this over a portfolio review any time. Definitely count us IN for the next one!”
Mark Gren, The Gren Group
“I have to say, we have all seen this business evolve from the good ‘ol days…however, one thing that has remained constant is the Workbook crew…Lori, Bob, and Linda have remained real, honest, and visionary. I so admire that and will always be supportive of your efforts in the industry. I will look forward to future events, no matter what the venue.”
Beverly Adler, Art Producer, GHGroup
“It was a lot of fun last night. I think you pulled off a great party, and it was a really nice way to get to know clients without even knowing at first who was a client.”
Stacey Endress, Agent, Illustrationweb
“Thanks for organizing a great night! I think it was a great, relaxed party: lots of mingling, met some potential new clients and current ones-so, thanks!”
Francesca Messina, Debut Art