Artist: Tim Tadder

Workbook Covers Spring 2016

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Workbook Covers Spring 2016

The Workbook Creative Department comps up dozens of potential covers for every issue. It isn’t always easy to find an illustration and a photograph that work together, as well as stand alone in their own right. When we first saw the image by Tim Tadder, we flagged it as a photo contender. Once we came across Nigel Buchanan’s illustration, we knew we had a strong pair of covers, each with their beautiful use of bold, complimentary color.

Tim Tadder’s photo was actually a test shoot inspired by a line of active sports wear in neon colors in which casting, lighting, and wardrobe all come together beautifully. He told us that he likes to think of the model’s expression as evoking a sort of modern day Mona Lisa. Nigel Buchanan’s portrait of professional football player Mario Balotelli, know for his somewhat childish antics on and off the field, was originally commissioned for 8by8 magazine. His work with the award-winning magazine has lead to more portrait assignments, which seem to dominate his workload these days.
Thank you Tim and Nigel for allowing us to feature these beautiful portraits.

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