Workbook Latest Survey Results Are In

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Workbook has spent the last 40 years in a continuous conversation with creative buyers. It’s been the most effective way to ensure the best results for our clients. While we are in a constant state of developing and maintaining accurate contact information and buying habits of creatives, we’re reaching out to buyers through our print, online, and social media marketing. Another important aspect of our approach is to conduct surveys, the most recent of which we have just finished reviewing. Here are some of the things we learned.

-When asked what resources buyers use to find talent, nearly half of the respondents told us they use both print and online, with the remaining respondents saying they use the print product slightly more than online. Creatives’ preference for direct mail as a method for finding talent seems to have waned a bit this year over last, in favor of online resources. Only 10 percent said they use neither print or online resources.

-Buyers also told us that they continue to hire still photographers, motion directors, illustrators, and animators about equally, but as in 2016, buyers seemed less inclined to hire the same photographer/director to fulfill both roles.

-Creative buyers overwhelmingly rank Workbook contributors as an 8-10 on a 1-10 scale, 10 being of the highest quality. Keep up the good work everybody!

-When asked if they expected to hire more, less, or about the same amount of creative services, creatives responded that hiring would most likely be about the same or marginally less than last year. No dramatic shift there; so that’s good news.

-We did notice a couple of ways in which we could improve our outreach. It seems we need to do a better job of informing creatives about our ShortList service. It’s one more important way we can interact with creatives and advocate for clients. As buyers overwhelming give Workbook high scores, we are confident that we are providing them with the best creative services. We also learned we need to do a better job of communicating the print version is also available at our website, for those who only prefer to search online service.

We asked creatives one last question about how we could serve them better. We are happy to say Workbook remains highly regarded by creative buyers. Here’s a sampling of the comments we received:

“I don’t think it could be better.”

“Keep up the outstanding work Workbook continues to do.”

“You’re doing great.”

“I happen to think Workbook is a well rounded service – great job.”

“Nothing. Workbook is my favorite!”

“You guys are great.”

“Can’t think of anything. You do a fantastic job. Keep up the great work!”

And then there were these:



Maybe menu suggestions for our 40th Anniversary Party?

At any rate, it’s good to know that we seem to be “getting it right” in the minds of creatives by providing them with access to the best talent and the tools they need in order to get the job done. We figure it’s a win-win all around.