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BOLD Solutions for Advertising

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Taco Bell Campaign

Workbook Illustrators are known for creating bold advertising solutions for clients worldwide. Our recent InFocus e blast titled BOLD Solutions for Advertising provided an overview  of the  ad campaigns featuring their recent work.   Here we’ve  included an expanded look at some of these campaigns in which it is clear that a great illustrator can set a company apart, and as John Brewster of Brewster Creative Inc. says, set a unique tone for the brand.”

Daniel Hertzberg with RappArtist recently completed a series of 22 portrait illustrations (above) for Taco Bell’s “Breakfast Defectors” campaign. The slightly subversive,  propaganda-style likenesses were reproduced as small posters that were mailed in special kits to a select group of social media influencers who successfully spread the word about Taco Bell’s new breakfast menu items. The recipients were encouraged to tweet photos of themselves holding their portraits, and wearing special “Breakfast Defectors” masks and hats that were included in the kits.

Taco Bell Defector Campaign

Taco Bell Defector Campaign

taco Bell Defectro campaign

Peter Donnelly has been working on food related advertising campaigns for people and dogs. Below are some examples from a series for Carl’s Jr. touting their Mexican Food Menu, and a map of “dog friendly” destinations in the United States created for Milkbone Dog Biscuits (below.)  He also created  imagery for McDonald’s that was used on coffee cups in Ukraine

Carl's Jr. Green Burrito ad

Carls Jr. Mexican food

Milk Bone map for dog friendly locations

McDonalds Ukraine

Joe and Kathy Heiner are known for their clean and super-real look.  It’s perfect for products like Muller Yogurt.  Below, are two samples from the series of images created for the brand.

Mueller Yogurt

Mueller Yogurt