Illustrator Aad Goudappel shares recent work, awards news, and imagery in support of the people of Ukraine on his Instagram feed.
Above: A Selected Winner in American Illustration for @mgtboeknl
"Brick to Bytes" RetailTrends
Discounters finally taking their first steps online.
#standwithukraine #stopputin
A series of images for Leo Kanner School for kids on the Autism spectrum. "We See You" is one in a series of illustrations depicting the children's strength and promise.
Moral Integrator Strategy + Business. With stakeholder and shareholders vying for attention, CEOs need to develop a new kind of ethical leadership to build trust in society and deliver results.
"On Virus Evolution" Nautilus Magazine
Viruses can multiply at an enormous rate and mutate quickly to adapt. Hello Omnicron.
Mr. T
Max Verstappen, F1 World Champion