Tag: Remuda

Andy Anderson Answers The Call Of The Wild.

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Andy Anderson‘s trip to the Owyhee Canyonlands was like traveling back in time.  The terrain is some of the remotest in the Western United States, where Great Basin cowboys continue the traditions of sleeping in Teepees and the ceremonial ramuda, as they take up the task of branding  the calves that are born here each spring.

The images reflect the beauty and the harshness of the land and sky.  Shot in black and white, the images have a cinematic feel and take full advantage of the bright, natural light.  As Andy says, ” Black and white is a forgiving medium, especially when it comes to the lighting you can find in the Owyhee Canyonlands. “Shooting in harsh lighting is never fun, so I just literally embraced the moment. It seems to work.”

To read the full story about this ongoing personal project, read his interview with his Rep, Heather Elder.