
Blair Bunting and the Deadliest Catch

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Men on Deadliest Catch

Even with a backup procedures in place, things can still go missing on a photo shoot.

From the moment he boarded the plane in Anchorage and bound for Dutch Harbor, Blaire Bunting knew it was not going to be the easiest shoot, judging by the the weathered look of his fellow passengers, men most likely to board one of the many fishing boats that would soon be departing onto the unforgiving Bering Sea. He was going there to shoot portraits of the crew of the successful Discovery Channel’s show, Deadliest Catch. It was an all-around great experience, but when he returned home he was heartbroken when he discovered that the hard drive with all the Deadliest Catch images had gone missing. Of all the shooting he did, he was left with only four images he had uploaded to his site, or so he had thought.

As a matter of procedure, Blair normally backs up the cards to his computer, as well as placing them on an external drive that goes in his camera case. On photoshoots where the case might have to be baggage checked, he also puts the images on a flash drive and mails it to himself, insured for $1,000, to ensure it won’t be lost. However, with the Deadliest Catch campaign, he sent the hard drive home with the good people from Discovery. He used the files he had from the CF cards themselves and then reformatted them for another campaign…forgetting to back them up to the computer.

Fast forward a few years, Blair was moving locations. And in the process of sorting through hundreds of boxes, he found a flash drive: the SanDisk flash drive. If you have ever found a flash drive, you know the feeling of excitement at the thought of what it could contain. This was the one he had mailed to himself from Anchorage before getting on his flight home, only to misplace it when prepping to fly out for another photoshoot.

So, here are the images he has been wanting to show us, and they are worth the wait.

Men from Deadliest Catch

Men from the Deadliest Catch TV show

Fisherman Deadliest Catch

Fisherman from Deadliest Catch


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