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Cade Martin’s Portraits for Now

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During the present life-on-pause we’re all experiencing, photographer Cade Martin found inspiration for his latest project in an old self-portrait he created while in in his early years of college. It was a double exposure black-and-white image created on one negative; there was no Photoshop then. He created it by photographing himself with a tripod, wound the film backwards, changed position and photographed himself again over the first image. Looking at it got him wondering if he could recreate the look and feel of that portrait again digitally, and he’s done just that with  his new tele-portrait series.

It’s a simple approach: he’s photographed his subjects in the security of their own living rooms, on their porches, and in their backyards without leaving his own studio to create what he describes as a “together” but “distanced” photo session. He accepts and works with the limitations of local broadband connectivity and webcam resolutions  and has come to  appreciate the imperfections they might create. Though digital, these images are straight images and done all in camera – one frame, and again, with no Photoshop. To learn more about the project and to book your own portrait session go to https://cademartin.com/virtual-portrait.





Next sessions this Thursday and Friday, May 7th and 8th. Remember, it is Mother’s Day this upcoming Sunday.

