Every Other Day

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Cowboy in west texas

Every Other Day is an integrated public service campaign produced and photographed by Scott Van Osdol, and features a short film produced, directed and edited by The Noble Lab. It is also a personal, pro bono and now award winning project; taking home a Silver at the Austin ADDYs.  And it’s been a highly effective campaign, quadrupling its Go Fund Me goals.

The Title, Every Other Day, refers to the 180 mile trips Rode Lewis, a ranch hand in West Texas, takes to the nearest town every other day for kidney dialysis. You’d never know it just looking at him, but Lewis suffers from end stage renal failure.  The campaign was launched to enable him to build an in-home dialysis room.

The film follows him through his day and week as he cares for his family and works the ranch. The Noble Lab spent long days building relationships with the cowboys and cattle  at the 06 Ranch, running cameras through two days of dust storms, in addition to hours spent in post; all pro bono, in order to ensure the beautiful, authentic look and feel you see here. It is an affirmation of the West Texas ranching culture where independence and hard work are highly valued. In the case of Every Other Day, these attributes extend to the everyone who worked on the making this film, as well.   To read more about the project and the people involved go to Scott’s blog.