It is absolutely true that the best way to get out of a funk is to do something good for someone else. Photographer Peter Poby was reminded of this recently and writes about his experience while, as he says, “giving a little back.” Read what he has to say:
“This 2016 is all about smiles, laughs, and dance. With this mantra, I started my year pitching for two jobs right away in the first two weeks of January. Both are excellent, high-end, super-cool projects, that are true dream jobs. I wrote excellent treatments for each, researched every detail, had a perfect lobby for both at the agencies, and the estimates were absolutely on point. Both agencies were excited and looking forward to working with me and create outstanding imagery. And between 24 hours, I was told twice that I didn’t get the job: political issues that came up at the last second. I didn’t even have the chance to react. So, in between 24 hours my smiles , laughs, and dances got a huge hiccup. As every freelancer knows, no matter how good you are, no matter how experienced you are or how long you do this, it always gets you. It hurts.
I wasn’t prepared for what happened next. I had a charity assignment the very next day; something I do to just give a little bit back. I did photograph 16 kids with their families in the Children’s Cancer Hospital, in a little improvised studio setup. I absolutely enjoyed every second of it. After returning home, I got an email from the foundation, asking if I could edit and retouch the images of three children right away, because they might not be with us too much longer. I dropped everything and went to work for a long night shift. With tears in my eyes, I worked on 24 images, feeling the pain of these wonderful kids. And when I was done, I felt not only grateful for my own kids’ health, but grateful that I was able to make the other kids happy for a few minutes, share laughs and smiles, and felt thankful to give their loved ones something beautiful to remember them.
It brought me back to reality, where nothing else counts but the moment. It kept me sane, because it gave me a true inner peace. I don’t care how many more estimates and treatments I have to submit. I will happily do it. And I will get excellent jobs. Smiles. Laughs. Dance. Always.”