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How Kremer/Johnson Sets Things in Motion

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Although stills currently dominate their output, Kremer Johnson says, that is rapidly changing. Since 2018, the duo witnessed the demand for motion grow to the point to which it is currently a component of every campaign they bid on. In response, they created a reel that is, no doubt, helping create balance between the two. When we asked Neil and Cory about the process they use to achieve their goal here is some of  what they told us:

“It all begins with the creative call, followed by an internal ideation process that allows us to develop a vision. Once we both feel comfortable with our approach, we develop a treatment that effectively communicaates the visual style, tone, and emotion of our vision. Once we’ve been awarded the job, we get started with storyboards, locations, talent, potential blocking, wardrobe, color story, and set design. In most cases, it’s important that we match the look of the stills to the motion assets. We choose lighting that allows for continuity throughout the campaign.”