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John Davis for Americorps NCCC

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John Davis recently worked with GMMB, a Washington, D.C. agency, on his latest project for Americorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps).

The results capture the hard work and commitment of the young people participating in Americorps NCCC. John and the crew shot four NCCC teams in four locations across the country over a period of two weeks. The stills needed to be shot alongside a video crew, and although they needed to capture portraits of all the team members, they had to loosely follow the motion storyboard. It was important to the agency that the stills match the look of the video to create a cohesive style for the campaign, and because there was no audio recorded, they could literally shoot over the shoulders of the motion crew to get the shots. Even though it was a very lean operation: four on the stills/motion crew, one local PA, two agency reps, and two client reps, they captured all the fun and the hard work.