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Jonathan Chapman Explores Life Up North

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 Jonathan Chapman | JCP, in partnership with The Great Northern Festival, created this engaging short film about the Freking family and their life off the grid that is intricately bound to the purebred Siberian Huskies they lovingly raise.
The film explores the challenges of living in the snowiest region of Finland, Minnesota and captures the Frekings’ devotion to these beautiful dogs, the  sport of long distance sled racing, and their abiding spirit of adventure.  This project is another in a growing series in which Jonathan and his crew explore what life is like for those who choose a more unconventional path.

Blake, Jennifer, Elena, & Nicole Freking
The Great Northern Festival
Make It. MSP.
Saint Paul Saints
Produced & Directed – JCP
Joseph McMahon – Editor
Tzvetelina Pramatarov  – Producer