Artists are always exploring, and Donna Grethen is no exception. The image above shows how she has loosened up her style in 2021 and with what better subject matter than yoga? She told us, “This year I was pushing color and shapes in my work; I wanted to loosen my style by using brushes and ink for the drawings, as well as cut paper. I love drawing the human figure this way!”
More Best of Illustration 2021
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Lisa Plaskett loved working with Liz Miller Gershfeld of Energy BBDO and 826CHI, a non-profit writing lab that supports Chicago's young poets and writers with its tuition-free arts and literacy program. The young poets inspired this image of a puppy taking a sunny stroll through the park with his person.

Paul Tong says, "I felt like a kid again, lost in time while drawing these oldies but goodies inspired by childhood memories of watching these classic monsters on TV."

Colleen O'Hara created this portrait of the Fab Four in honor of the recent Get Back sessions documentary, which looks back at the early stages of their careers.

Jonathan Rice's best image of 2021 is very personal, as the man in this portrait is his father. He was a country preacher his whole life, and Jonathan created this image to honor his memory.

Rocco Baviera told us that in the image above,“ I wanted to convey the idea of cleaner energy through the use of natural elements, as well as the bridging of rural and urban America in an image that gives a sense of hope for the future.”

Illustrator Elvis Swift is expanding his empire with the inclusion of soft goods to his shop, Elvis Swift Dry Goods. His "throwing pillows" feature his beautiful signature lettering and continuous line drawing style.

Jane Allinger doesn't own any Bitcoin herself, but plenty of people do. People's obsession with it inspired her to create this illustration of Bitcoin taking a dive!