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Oivind Hovland’s Visual Stories

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Oivind Hovland creates beautifully balanced narratives with simple shapes and a sophisticated use of color. They illustrate the story in such a way that the viewer knows there is more to it than what initially meets the eye. He describes it best when he says, ““I love illustrating scenes with the feeling that you’ve walked into a room and something has just happened or something is about to happen,” says Hovland. “I’m always trying to create situations where there’s a bit of energy in the scene, but you can’t quite grasp it.”


Title: Leader
Client: Tidningen Chef
Info: (Front page) Being a visible and visionary leader
Title: Looking
Client: Tidningen Chef
Info: (Interior illustration) Being a visible and visionary leader
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Client: Ambulanseforum
Info: Celebrating the heroic ambulance crews in their fight agains Covid-19
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Client: Khrono
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Client: Universitas
Info: Young people put under pressure by an unfair system
Title: Anxiety
Client: Universitas
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Client: Teknisk Ukeblad
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Client: Universitas
Info: Equality for women
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Client: The Lawyer magazine
Info: The law profession is trying to become more green and environmentally aware
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Client: Harvard Press
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Client: Khrono
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Title: Tax Quiz
Client: Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
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Title: Kestolen (Pulpit Rock, Norway)
Client: Den Norske Turistforening (DNT)
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Title: White Privilege
Client: Bergens Tidende
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Client: Chef Magazine
Info: How both sexes see criticism as being more negative coming from a female boss/ leader.