Artist: Mark Summers

Richard Solomon’s Best of 2023

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It was a productive year for Richard Solomon artists.  Check out all the beautiful editorial imagery and packaging produced by the group in 2023.

Chris Gash
The Pennsylvania Gazette

Bomboland Personal Beyond the Stars

Vanessa Branchi The state of organization at a large tech company

Maciej Frolow Victorian playing cards

Richard Borge Harvard Business School Alumni Magazine

Yohey Horishita WirtschaftsWoche

Bruce Hutchison Pecan Rum label for Outer Banks Distilling (from a series of three including silver and spiced)

Maya Ish-Shalom Tel Aviv Piano Festival

Eleni Kalorkoti Charles Schwab’s Newsletter

Hokyoung Kim New York Times Magazine

Daren Lin ACC Docket

Yadi Liu Adobe x National Women’s Soccer League Creator Class

Yulong Lli Blancpain for their Diamond Ball series

Ricardo Martinez El Mondo Portrait of Volodymyr Zelensky

John Mattos Penguin Random House Cover art for The Proof of the Pudding by Rhys Bowen

Carlos Miranda Washington Post Kids Health

Eric Petersen LeMonde magazine

Oscar Ramos Concept art for Eggscape

Feifei Ruan Carlsberg Lunar New Year, Year of the Rabbit

Mark T. Smith Valley Bank Mural

Chase Stone Orbit Cover art for The Slain Divine by David Dalglish

Mark Summers Bib and Tucker

Wenjia Tang NYU Law Magazine Good Work, highlighting pro bono efforts

Zoe van Dijk Tor Publishing Group Cover Glass Houses by Madeline Ashby

John Rego Stags’ Leap Winery