Tag: GQ

Richard Salzman’s Artists Add Their Visuals to an Array of Issues

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The illustrators of Salzmanart have been working to visually interpret global conflict and its aftermath in Syria for the Economist and the Brexit meltdown in Britain for Internazionale. They have also taken on issues of scientific discovery for Science magazine and Discoveries Magazine. In addition, they’ve created visuals for Kiplinger’s on the difficult topic of personal finance.  To follow these artists and all the artists at Salzmanart sign up for their newsletter.

Image above: Benedetto Cristofani
Client: Kiplinger’s Personal Finance / Disaster Season

Benedetto Cristofani Client: Science magazine: "Chemistry's Big Shift"
Benedetto Cristofani Client: Science magazine: "Chemistry's Big Shift"
Benedetto Cristofani Client: Internazionale:  "The Last British Prime Minister?"  
Benedetto Cristofani Client: The Economist  Internazionale:  "The Last British Prime Minister?"  
  Benedetto Cristofani Client: The Economist:  "Assad's Hollow Victory"  
Benedetto Cristofani Client: The Economist: "Assad's Hollow Victory"  
Benedetto Cristofani Client: Kiplinger's Personal Finance:  "Firing an Advisor"  
Giulio Bonasera Client: Discoveries Magazine To Err Is ... Neural.  
Giulio Bonasera Client: GQ  The Facts About Lipsuction  
Giulio Bonasera Client: NYMagazine / Vulture in a partnership with Visible 8 Texting Rules To (Not) Follow.  
Giulio Bonasera GQ  Air pollution is killing millions  
Oivind Hovland Client: Vaart Land  Sorrow. Modern priests are still helping people dealing with the loss of a loved one.  
Oivind Hovland Client: Khrono  New policies and red tape is turning academia into a factory assembly line type business.